Sunday, April 27, 2014

Old Emolga's Place Wallpapers!

These wallpapers come from the old Emolga's Place in 2011-2012. You might remember them.

Showdown Sunday #10: Random Battle Stall

Hey, guys! Welcome to today's Showdown Sunday! I was having this battle in a tournament and it ended up going on for a lot longer than I would've thought... But here it is!

Click the Kyurem to check out the battle!

~Credits to Zarel and the Showdown staff for hosting this site. THANKS, SHOWDOWN!!!~

~Credits to Anfflo for having this battle with me. THANKS, ANFFLO!!!~

~Credits to for the Kyurem used in this post. THANKS, PKPARAISO!!!~

That's all for today. Tune in tomorrow for a Monotype Monday battle.
Until then, stay awesome!