Monday, March 24, 2014

Shiny Spotlight: Electric Critters!

There is a tradition of small electric creatures for each generation. Pikachu and Raichu came first, then Pichu, Plusle and Minun, Pachirisu, Emolga, and Dedenne. Most of their shiny forms are really cool and look very cute.

Plusle and Minun can be compared to how Pikachu, Raichu, and Pichu are shiny. They also slightly differ in shade and have darker main body colors. In this case, their bodies appear as a darker yellow. Minun is more noticeable than Plusle with its green ears and hands.

Pachirisu is pink and has orange cheeks. It looks incredibly girly. #totallygirlypink  :P

Emolga is one of my favorite shinies. It is cream brown and pale yellow. These colors go together very nicely, and it takes on a pastel-style look.

Dedenne is the new addition to the gang. He is brown, yellow, and white. I loved this shiny so much that I spent hours attempting to hatch one! I succeeded, and now there's a little sparkly hamtaro named Smitty in my PC.  :)

Pichu's evolutionary line isn't really all that fantastic when it comes to being shiny. Pichu is apparently the color of a regular Pikachu, and shiny Pikachu takes on a gold tint. Raichu looks bright and is a dark orange instead of its normal pale orange color.

(Unfortunately, I couldn't find any shiny sprites from X and Y for these three Pokemon.)

That's all for now! By the way, if there was a shiny Neuo: It would have maroon ears and the same body color that shiny Plusle and Minun have ;)

Thanks to for temporarily shutting down multiple times and being incredibly laggy the shiny sprites I used in this post!

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