In this download link I've provided everything you need to play this hack, including VisualBoy Advance (the program you need to play the game), the Pokemon Light Platinum.gba file which contains the actual game, and a set of instructions on how to start the game up.
Click here for the download link!
You can't just open up the folder and play right away, because the folder is zipped and won't let you use the items in it. You need to right click on it and select "Extract all". Choose a destination for the files to be extracted to, and then you'll have your files! Read the instructions included in the folder, then enjoy!
(Edit: You need to go to Emulator->Save Type->Flash 128K if you want this game to work.)
~Credits to for the program, VisualBoy Advance. THANKS, EMULATORZONE!!!~
~Credits to for the Light Platinum file. THANKS, COOLROM!!!~
~Credits to Wesley FG for creating this mod/hack. THANKS, WESLEY FG!!!~
~Credits to for these 3D models. THANKS, PKPARAISO!!!~
This is really great, thank you!!!