Saturday, March 8, 2014

Featured Remix #4: XD: Gale of Darkness: Miror B. Battle

Pokemon Colosseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness are two lost gems in the Pokemon franchise. Almost all of the battles in the games are double battles, which may throw away an average Pokemon fan with its uniqueness. However, they are phenomenal GameCube titles and the only Pokemon ones to reach the console. By far, one of the most memorable characters is Miror B. In Colosseum, he has a ridiculous song. Here it is if you're interested.

However, Miror B. returned in Colosseum's sequel with a fantastically orchestrated battle theme. This one was remixed by, yet again, HappyDragonite!

Click here to view the actual video.

Click here to check out HappyDragonite's channel!

~Credits to YouTube for hosting the videos shown here. THANKS, YOUTUBE!!!~

~Credits to HappyDragonite for creating this remix. THANKS, HAPPYDRAGONITE!!!~

~Credits to Drayano60, who actually created FireRed Omega and some other Pokemon Mods/Hacks, who uploaded the Colosseum music for Miror B. THANKS, DRAYANO60!!!~

~Credits to for this Ludicolo. THANKS, PKPARAISO!!!~

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