Saturday, April 26, 2014

Neuo Papercraft!

For the first time ever, there is an Ento Pokemon papercraft! Neuo is definitely one of my favorite Ento Pokemon, and one of the first that I created. Today actually happens to be the 1-year Anniversary of when I created Neuo! Pretty cool, right?

Click here for the Neuo Papercraft! (It also includes the shiny version)

Alex 17... out!

Sweep Saturday #6: Slurpuff Sweep

Hey, guys! Welcome to today's Sweep Saturday.
This wasn't actually an intentional sweep; I didn't even Baton Pass any stat boosts this time.

Click the Slurpuff to check out the battle!

~Credits to Zarel and the Showdown staff for hosting this site. THANKS, SHOWDOWN!!!~

~Credits to Bobby Joe 13 for having this battle with me. THANKS, BOBBY JOE 13!!!~

~Credits to for the Slurpuff used in this post. THANKS, PKPARAISO!!!~

That's all for today. I'll probably be posting something in the near future, so look forward to that. Until then, stay awesome!